How To Load Program For At89c51

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How%20to%20interface%20LEDs%20with%20AT89C51.jpg' alt='How To Load Program For At89c51 Pin' title='How To Load Program For At89c51 Pin' />Water Level Controller using 8. Microcontroller. Water level controller using 8. A water level controller  using 8. A lot of water level controller projects have been published in this website but this is the first one based on a microcontroller. How To Load Program For At89c5131a' title='How To Load Program For At89c5131a' />This water level controller monitors the level of the over head tank  and automatically switches on the water pump when ever the level goes below a preset limit. The level of the over head tank is indicated using 5 LEDs and the pump is switched OFF when the over head tank is full. The pump is not allowed to start if the water level in the sump tank is low and also the pump is switched OFF when the level inside the sump tank goes low during a pumping cycle. We are selling a Project Kit for this Water Level Controller which can be bought from our Online Store. The project kit is a modified version of the project shown above. This Water Level Controller project kit uses 4 float switches to measure water level. The status of water level in the tank and status of the motor is displayed using an LCD module. This system monitors the water level of the tank and automatically switches ON the motor whenever tank is empty. The motor is switched OFF when the overhead tank or container is FULL. Buy Now. The use of float switches makes the circuit rugged and ensures a maintenance free operation over a very long period of time. ZxrH0nzyYWs/UBZevCCOfOI/AAAAAAAAAG0/PlRSoPwpm5g/s1600/5.png' alt='How To Load Program For At89c51rc2' title='How To Load Program For At89c51rc2' />The project kit is available in plug and play form and do it yourself form. A 1. 2 0 1. 2 mains transformer is also available with the kit and it is not shown in the figure below. Main article continues. The level sensor probes for the overhead tank are interfaced to the port 2 of the microcontroller through transistors. Water level controller using 8051An Automatic Water Level Controller and Indicator Project and Circuit with Motor ON and OFF for Engineering Students. ElectronicsHub. Org An excellent educational blog for engineering students in providing great information on various electronics projects ideas, circuits. About The Programmer USBasp is a USB incircuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers. It simply consists of an ATMega48 and ATMega88 an ATMega8 and a couple of. How To Load Program For At89c51' title='How To Load Program For At89c51' />Have a look at the sensor probe arrangement for the overhead tank in Fig. A positive voltage supply probe goes to the down bottom of the tank. The probes for sensing 14, 12, 34 and FULL levels are placed with equal spacing one by one above the bottom positive probe. Consider the topmost full level probe, its other end is connected to the base of transistor Q4 through resistor R1. Whenever water rises to the full level current flows into the base of transistor Q4 which makes it ON and so its collector voltage goes low. The collector of Q4 is connected to P2. P2. 4 means the over head tank is not FULL. When water level goes below the full level probe, the base of Q2 becomes open making it OFF. Get tested electronics engineering project ideas, embedded electronics projects, and mini projects for electronics enthusiasts at Electronics For You. Now its collector voltage goes high and high at P2. The same applies to other sensor probes 34, 12, 14 and the microprocessor understands the current level by scanning the port pins P2. P2. 5, P2. 6 and P2. All these port pin are high all sensor probes are open means the tank is empty. Port pin P0. 5 is used to control the pump. When ever it is required start pumping, the controller makes P0. Q6 ON which in turn activates the relay K1 that switches the pump. Also the LED d. 6 glows indicating the motor is ON. LED D7 is the low sump indicator. When the water level in the sump tank goes low, the controller makes P0. LED D7 to glow. The circuit diagram of the water level controller is shown in the figure below. Circuit diagram. Water level controller using 8. How To Load Program For At89c51 DatasheetHow To Load Program For At89c51rd2How To Load Program For At89c51 PriceProgram. MOV P2,1. B initiates P2 as sensor input. MOV P0,1. 11. 11. B initiates P2 as the output port. MOV A,0. 00. 00. BMAIN ACALL SMPCK checks the level of the sump tank. MOV A,P2 moves the current status of P2 to ACJNE A,1. B,LABEL1 checks whether tank is full. SETB P0. 1. SETB P0. SETB P0. 3. SETB P0. CLR P0. 0 glows full level LEDSETB P0. LABEL1 MOV A,P2. CJNE A,1. B,LABEL2 checks whether tank is 34. SETB P0. 0. SETB P0. SETB P0. 3. SETB P0. CLR P0. 1 glows 34 level LEDLABEL2 MOV A,P2. CJNE A,1. 11. 11. B,LABEL3 checks whether tank is 12. Onyx X10 Crack. SETB P0. 0. SETB P0. SETB P0. 3. SETB P0. CLR P0. 2 glows 12 level LEDLABEL3 MOV A,P2. CJNE A,1. 11. 11. B,LABEL4 checks whether tank is 14. SETB P0. 0. SETB P0. SETB P0. 2. SETB P0. CLR P0. 3 glows 14 level LEDJB P0. LABEL4. CLR P0. 5 switches motor ONLABEL4 MOV A,P2. CJNE A,1. 11. 11. B,MAIN checks whether tank is empty. SETB P0. 0. SETB P0. SETB P0. 2. SETB P0. CLR P0. 4 glows EMPTY LEDJB P0. MAIN checks whether sump is low. CLR P0. 5 switches motor ONSJMP MAINSMPCK JB P0. LABEL5 checks whether sump is low. SETB P0. 7 extinguishes the sump low indicator LEDSJMP LABEL6. LABEL5 SETB P0. 5 switches the pump OFFCLR P0. LEDLABEL6 RETENDRelated Projects. Moisture Sensing Automatic Plant Watering System is an interesting project for hobbyists and students alike. This project is designed as a DIY automatic plant watering system based on soil moisture. Soil moisture is sensed using YL6. ONOFF a motor pump for watering.